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2006-05-19 02:41:12
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Welcome to the Bush Supporters Association!

Edited by Owner

Hey guys, I've decided that I have waaay too little time to take care of this page and it isn't really serving its purpose anyway, so I'm shutting it down. I meant it to be mostly for members to chat and if an anti-Bush wanted to share their views, that'd be great. Instead it's either me or one of the very few members who want to talk defending our positions about Bush and frankly, I'm a bit sick of coming back to sort out the chaos. I'm still keeping the member sign-up page, so if people want to continue to chat with each other, please refer to that page. Also, those who want to join can still add their names to that page. Thank you for participating and sorry that I can't spare enough time.

[Ylaraniala Majere]

Here's the link to join: Bush Supporters Association Members

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2005-08-24 [Dil*]: And if you read that article closely, you'll see that it mentions global warming as a huge problem. Hmm, I think it would be better to call in a greenpeace representative, I personally do not know much about greenpeace at all. I just know they're an organization/govt group that tries their best to improve the environment (which doesn't sound too bad).

2005-08-24 [sophomoric]: That article is flawed. Want to know why? Because the lifespan of CFCs in the atmosphere is approximately 150 years. Now, considering the fact that third wolrd nations are using outsdated cars with air conditioners that contain CFCs, and refrigerator of a similar design, the problem is only going to get worse before it get better.

2005-08-24 [sophomoric]: for example, this article, while suggesitng that the hole has become smaller, is still bigger than it was last year.

2005-08-24 [sophomoric]: On top of those things, there are people that like to downplay the problem of global warming but....

2005-08-24 [Ylaraniala Majere]: *sighs* In my opinon global warming is something people shouldn't concern themselves about but oh well, not gonna happen... personally, I'd prefer not to talk about it.

2005-08-24 [sophomoric]: By all means, let's not talk about it... But ignoring a problem doesn't mean it isn't there. And on that note, I'm out of this wiki.

2005-08-24 [Dil*]: It impacts everyone, and it is selfish not to deal with it now. It just leaves a bigger problem for future generations. I doubt I will convince anyone -here- to start giving a damn, so like soph, I'm out of the topic. Nobody even wants to visit our info links.

2005-08-25 [chasingpeace]: plus, eveything we've been talking about has been off topic for this wiki. we are here to arfue about how bush is hurting/...helping... our country and why he should have been impeached ages ago.

2005-08-25 [Lioness123]: I did visit those sites, without much interest in anything they had. And zansola is right that we should be talking about President Bush and how much we support him since this is the Bush Supporters Association

2005-08-25 [chasingpeace]: ah, but this is also a wiki for debate, so, just beacuse this is a wiki named for support doesn't mean that all the comments have to support him....HA!....

2005-08-25 [sophomoric]: I'm back... why am I back? The subject matter discussed is of political interest, and as Bush has a habit of doing things that are pro-industry, the debates have been indirectly relevant to the definitive subject matter of this wiki.

2005-08-25 [Dil*]: Okay buddy, you got the lead.

2005-08-25 [Lioness123]: i just wish there were a way we could speed up things in Iraq and get our guys out of there and on their way home.

2005-08-25 [chasingpeace]: things are done in iraq. if we are actually going to change it like bush proposes, it would take decades. Also, things are moving to iran...isn't that just great? i swear...the soldiers won't be back until 2008..

2005-08-25 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Things aren't done in Iraq unless you want the country to be taken over again. And actually, 8 years as far as wars are concerned isn't really a long time... in fact, it's quite short... though I agree, get them out as soon as practical.

2005-08-25 [chasingpeace]: 8 years as far as a meaningless wars are concerned as a long time. who will win the war anyway? nobody. supposedly iraq 'lost' but we also lost 80 billion dollars, which our country did not need to give up. Also, wasn;t the war supposed to be about WMDs? there weren't any, and it's still going on. what right does the u.s goverment have to just invade another country for no good reason. Oh, saddam was a dictator and treated his people badly. so what? people are treated just as badly all over the world, even in america. What about north korea...or south korea? (i forgot ewhich one is bad) oh, they might have the bomb..i guess we can;t overturn that evil dictator, who won't let the inhabitants

2005-08-25 [chasingpeace]: even leave the country...hell, if we're going to spread the american way of life (also known as 'democracy') why don't we just invade everycountry with a corrupted government? hmn? actually, it hink that's what's happening...afganistan, iraq, iran...can you say oil anyone? yet, nobody even talks about saudi arabia, who are the actual villians/terrorists here. but, no...they give us oil, so we cant even think about invading them...

2005-08-26 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Heh, actually you have the real reasons all wrong (in my opinion). The reason why we went in there was because Saddam was a threat, both to us and to his people, who he was torturing and maltreating. Also, we found out that it was likely he shipped the WMDs out or was on the very verge of making them. Also, many people seem to forget that we were attacked and thus had to do something about it. Iraq is supposed to WIN, not lose, as the only people that are supposed to lose are the terrorists and very few actually were from Iraq. And no one in America is treated that badly without there being heck to pay. And yes, North Korea and Iran were bad, but we had to choose one of them. The reason why

2005-08-26 [Ylaraniala Majere]: we don't invade everyone is because we don't have the time, resources, and sometimes not the right (for those countries that don't maltreat their people). Oil is not a factor really, since Iraq's oil production is going DOWN due to having to fight terrorists instead of pump oil. Saudi Arabia HAS been mentioned many times, but what with Iran saying that it will produce uranium Iran is a greater priority. And Saddam himself was a terrorist, as well as many in the government of Iraq.

2005-08-26 [Dil*]: 1.) Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. 2.)Most of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. 

2005-08-26 [Ylaraniala Majere]: 1) He had Zarqawi in there who DID have something to do with the attacks and 2) Perhaps but how could we have known that?

2005-08-26 [Dil*]: How did you know osama was behind it? Intelligence.

2005-08-26 [Leelo]: Osama did and was behind the 911 attacks

2005-08-26 [Dil*]: what I'm getting at is that they knew most of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

2005-08-26 [Lioness123]: it is a proven fact that Saddam helped fund the Al Keida (sp). And for Gods sake, Osama boasted about HIS VICTORY on 9/11! He made a video about it!!!!! and yes, everyone seems to have forgotten that we were the ones attacked in the first place and we have every right to be over there in Iraq.

2005-08-26 [Leelo]: I agree with lioness

2005-08-26 [Dil*]: Give me evidence that Saddam has ties with Al Qaeda and Osama.

2005-08-26 [sophomoric]: ....if most of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia... wouldn't it make sense to investigate potential ties between Saudi Arabia... and the terrorist attacks?

2005-08-26 [Dil*]: Osama was from Saudi Arabia too, coincidence?

2005-08-26 [Dil*]: Oh and for the record, crazy extremists like to boast that they blew up certain buildings...but they aren't necessarily the ones who did it. Some of them just like to claim credit.

2005-08-26 [Lioness123]: there are videos of Osama and the other guys planning it. I've seen them on the news. Here's an article thats a little interesting, however I didn't read the whole thing.

2005-08-27 [Dil*]: "This administration has been absolutely heroic in the war on terror and has done more than any other administration to fight terrorism, but they have been deliberately ambiguous" about Iraq's involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks." That is quoted from your article, it basically says that the bush administration is keeping the ties to themselves for legal reasons. -that- doesn't help much.

2005-08-28 [chasingpeace]: Majere, you took my who comment wrong. i was being severely sarcastic. we shouldn't be invading everyone, we shouldn't have invaded iraq (btw, i don't remember any countries from the UN really supporting us), we shouldn't invade iran (i don't haven't even heard a reason why, and just because they have more uranium is not good enough) i know that saudi arabia has been talked about, but not in a way that is hostile. no one talks about the terrorists form there, because they gove us oil. Bush went there to talk to the leader of saudi arabia to talk about oil! nothing else! we are considered allies! the country where the 9/11 terrorists came from and the U.S. are friends!

2005-08-28 [chasingpeace]: tell me how we're trying to catch the 9/11 terrorists and osama? how are we fighting a war on terrorism? Actually, osama is probably in saudi arabia! he's hiding there because he knows we won't invade! because of oil!

2005-08-28 [Leelo]: Ummm lets see now Osama hired some people to attack us, and there are still some ppl out there who hate us, and well the war is going straight to the problem, And yeah we'll eventually catch Osama and his stupid little followers.

2005-08-28 [Lioness123]: it seems like Osama and the terrorists just want the whole world mad at them...Look at all they've done to the USA, England, France, and especially their OWN country! I can't even count all the car bombs I've heard about on the news.. They're digging their own graves if you ask me.

2005-08-28 [Dil*]: quote "there are people out there that hate us (the americans)" Maybe they wouldn't hate you guys so much if you didn't support so many dictators and try to control them via corporations? I find it ironic that Bush Senior actually sold weapons to Saddam. Another reason why the Middle east despises the US is the whole Israel/Palestinian issue ( I didn't study the war in Iraq in school, but I studied the palestinian/israel issue in school). And the grand question is, exactly how many murderous dictatorships has the US supported? well:

2005-08-28 [Dil*]: here's another one to the glorious question of "why do they hate the US"

2005-08-28 [Lioness123]: too much reading material for me, its 2am here now.. I'm goin to bed. Maybe I'll read those in the morning, goodnight yall.

2005-08-28 [Dil*]: Meh, it's common knowledge that bush senior sold Saddam weapons in the first place and you should have some background of the Israel/Palestinian issue if you know anything about middle east current events. Links are merely re-caps.

2005-08-28 [Leelo]: blah blah blah I'm so sick of hearing how ppl hate Americans, well listen here, I'm am a American, and I am PROUD tp be one, and I am PROUD of the FREEDOM I have, yes we have some issues, just like all other countries have. But I am still proud of my country, And I will not talk it down, because there are men who gave their lives so that I could be free, and that's something to be proud of! And no one can take that away from me. But like I said we have some issues just like other countries, and sometimes ppl lose sight of what matters, but maybe they'll see their faults one day. For a long timre ppl have had bad things to say about america but that's ok. I'm an Americian and I am PROUD of it

2005-08-28 [Leelo]: And I agree with lioness, Osama and his little folowers are digging their own graves! I mean obviously it's not just Americans they hate, i believe it's the whole world in gerneal, and the fact they hate life, and Osama said himself, "I love death" and I reckin he's trying to kill off us "life" lovers. But oh well people are gonna get mad and be stupid and try to make it hard on everyone else, like trying to blow up the whole world

2005-08-28 [Dil*]: Good for you. I never said you guys weren't free, just pointing out exactly why some countries despise you guys. "blah blah blah" is an apathetic statement to my set of facts. Fine, shut your eyes, close your ears; just don't get surprised when world issues end up on your doorsteps. What do you mean "losing sight of what matters", what matters to those countries' people is that they don't get slaughtered/tortured by dictators that the US helped prop up. Is that too much to ask? Why don't you pay attention to current events? How do you know they hate life? Just because Osama said he loved death, probably meant he loved death of people he hated. "maybe they'll see their faults one day

2005-08-28 [Dil*]: quoted you, maybe you should see your faults first. Not neccessarily one person's fault, but you continue to support such a corrupt govt. And in your defense, you use some pretty lame patriotism. There is no excuse for ignorance.

2005-08-29 [Leelo]: Let me tell you something I'm sure the rest of us here are growing very tired of you being here when your gonna just slap stufin our face and make no sense what so ever, and no one said you had to agree with us, but seeing hows you don't agree with us, and just want to argue, then you need to leave, honestly, this whole arguement thing has been going on for Lord knows how long, and everyone seems to be finding themselves repeating just about everything, and to be honest, I'm tired of going in circles and watching you take others for rounds in cirlcles. And no I'm not ignorant, I am just proud to be an American.

2005-08-29 [Dil*]: Being proud to be american has nothing to do with ignorance. And it's not my fault you can't defend your ideas.

2005-08-29 [Leelo]: Yeah actually I can defend my ideas but theres no use in arguing over them, because your not gonna see it my way and I'm not gonna see it your way.

2005-08-29 [Dil*]: Why? I'm not argueing, well, before anyways. I just answered a famous question that everyone seems to get wrong "Why exactly do they dislike the US so much" spurred on by a comment. Besides, I've read every link the bush supporters have put up (with criticism of course).

2005-08-29 [Lioness123]: hey, I know a foreign exchange student who explained this very question... Americans are painted very negatively by the media all across the world. They show alot of our faults and leave out alot of good things about us. They put these "images" of what americans are in peoples' heads and lead them to believe that we're nothing but a country of fat, arrogant, ignorant, selfish people when thats entirely untrue. She said she'd tell people that when she got home. And about that Osama quote, I believe he was indeed speaking of their (all the extremists') belief. I'll see if i can find a good article explaining it...

2005-08-29 [Lioness123]: A bin Laden comment from November 2001 fills the screen: "We love death. The U.S. loves life. That is the big difference between us."  -,0,7748285.story?coll=orl-entertainment-promo       another good one---->,9565,189648,00.html

2005-08-29 [Dil*]: Uhm, that first link talks about how the FBI and govt missed opportunities to stop 9/11 (which I'm slightly confused about because you talked about bin laden..and in that article there's only that one thing about him hating america (which we all agreed on)). And that last article is stating the obvious, I never said that terrorists weren't de-ranged people. Of course they are. And everyone is still ignoring my first group of links (about US propping up dictatorships).

2005-08-29 [Dil*]: I'm not saying Americans are aweful, I just despise your govt. geesh.

2005-08-29 [Lioness123]: I put up those links for anyone who was interested in reading a little bit about that stuff, I wasn't trying to make any point. Its true that the USA gave weapons and money to those countries, but only because we were thought we would help them defend themselves. Theres no way the government could have known that they'd go crazy and bite the hand that feeds them.

2005-08-29 [Dil*]: Uhm, as soon as Saddam came into power he had all his opponents killed. This was caught on video and he was smiling, now tell me the US didnt' know that selling this nutcase weapons would come back and bite them in the ass.

2005-08-30 [Ylaraniala Majere]: We can't really give any proof that they didn't but I seriously doubt that anyone would want that result. So logically the answer is No they didn't know. Also, two things. Dilandau, PLEASE watch your language or you are off this wiki, I've asked you many times and given you many chances... in fact, more chances than I was really supposed to by my rules. I like having you debate here but I can't tolerate the swearing so please don't use it. Second, the majority of the US has to agree at the time of any action to be held accountable for said action instead of the President/Chiefs. Just tired of my entire country being blamed for something an individual did, as I am certain you would be if I

2005-08-30 [Ylaraniala Majere]: talked about Canada that way.

2005-08-30 [Alkor]: Your country? You dont own the damn country. Why you say that?

2005-08-30 [Dil*]: oh 'ass' is too heavy a word. Ok sorry. I just stated about a million times I don't have anything against Americans, just the govt.

2005-08-30 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Swedish, America is my country. It's where I live thus it is in part mine. On other, nicer notes... yes, it is for this wiki. And yeah, I know, Dil. *smiles* Tis just annoying to see the phrase even if I know what you mean.

2005-08-31 [Lioness123]: we americans are the government, and the government are the americans. We decide who gets put into office, we control who we keep in office, and we control alot of what goes on here. And whats wrong with saying "my country"? America is my country because I am a citizen here, just like Ylar and all other americans.

2005-08-31 [Dil*]: argh, they tricked you! The govt used clever manipulation to put it's unassuming populance under control. Democracy requires constant vigilance.

2005-08-31 [Lioness123]: lol, you seem paranoid

2005-08-31 [Dil*]: No way, the evidence is there, you hardly need to look.

2005-08-31 [chasingpeace]: the public doesn't vote on who gets into office, the electoral college (sp?) does...I watched the 2000 election all night and the popularity vote was NEVER in bush's favor. btw...'popularity vote' equals who the people really vote for.

2005-08-31 [chasingpeace]: which is also why i thoought the recount thing made no sense...

2005-08-31 [Lioness123]: The electoral college is based on people's votes. If no one in the USA voted, no one would be elected to any office. Because of our government we have a strong military and defends us and others.

2005-09-01 [Dil*]: no, he got the electorial votes, but by popular vote, gore shoulda won.

2005-09-01 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Y'know what's really odd about that time? The reason that Clinton didn't get chucked out of office, or at least the democrats said at the time.. personally I think they simply liked the guy in office... anyway, the reason they gave was "Look at Gore! If we get rid of Clinton, we'll have to deal with GORE being president!!!" Then come the 2000 elections and most democrats vote for Gore... o_O It's like WHA?

2005-09-01 [Dil*]: yeah, way to change the topic.

2005-09-01 [Ylaraniala Majere]: *shrugs* Had nothing really to say about that one, actually. The system is pretty darn good. The people vote and the electoral college makes sure they get what they want instead of getting fraud. Tis it. And yeah, Gore apparently did win the popular.

2005-09-01 [Dil*]: no, the electorial system is outdated and worthless now.

2005-09-01 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Is it? I mean, that kind of thing can't really BE outdated since it hasn't anything to do with things that change.

2005-09-01 [Dil*]: the only reason they had it that way was it was too hard to tally up the votes, but now we have better/more efficient ways of counting.

2005-09-01 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Actually no it wasn't, because they already tallied up the votes.

2005-09-01 [Dil*]: pfft, I'll go ask soph to explain it fully, he knows better.

2005-09-01 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Okiedoke.

2005-09-01 [Lioness123]: [Dil*], are you from the US? I thought you said you were from Canada.

2005-09-01 [Dil*]: I AM from canada, but I know some things about your voting system.

2005-09-01 [Alkor]: What dsoes that go to do with anything? Who cares if hes from Canada..Just cause he was from Canada don't mean nothing.

2005-09-01 [Dil*]: ah, it's a she. Don't worry, everyone gets it wrong. And unfortunately Canada happens to be connected to the US at the 49th paralell, so if you guys go crashing/burning, we probably will to. hehe.

2005-09-01 [Lioness123]: i was just curious because [Dil*] said "we" when talking about the US in an above comment about voting. This is a little off topic, but my new big worry for our country is the rising gasoline prices...We could be in some serious trouble here in not too long.

2005-09-01 [Catlover]: Rising gasoline prices? In Britain, gasoline costs about 1/3 if not a half more than in the US. I don't see the problem!

2005-09-01 [Lioness123]: i know that, but britain doesn't rely on gas as much as the US does. For example, I can't take a train or subway to work and college...I can't take the bus because I always get off of work at 10 pm, way after the buses last runs. Plus almost everything in the US is shipped by truck. If we didn't have gas, we'd be screwed!

2005-09-01 [Catlover]: Maybe that means it's time to start sending things by train and other ways that are kinder to the environment? The USA becoming less reliant on gas would be no bad thing.

2005-09-01 [Dil*]: yeah, stop using damned SUVs. And when I said 'we' I meant everyone has more efficient ways of counting and in that same sentence I said 'they' referring to the US. (reply to lioness's comment)

2005-09-01 [chasingpeace]: My dad says that the government is just too greedy. they'd give any number of reasons to raise gas prices. my dad knew of one that raised it's prices just because a kid got hurt on his bike outside the company. Also, th hurricane thing is being taken too seriously. on the national news today they described it as being 'extremely similar to a terrorist attack'. like that's what the some city would be like after one. yeah, maybe...but, as far as i know, the power, location, and timing can't really be predicted of a terrorist attack. i think that if this big af a 'disaster' can be predicted way in advance, you should get out of the way. then no one would die. it's like, duh...

2005-09-01 [chasingpeace]: do the words 'level 4 hurricane' mean ANYTHING to people in the southern U.S? Who would want to live somewhere that gets hit by hurricanes every year anyway. on the news they showed some guy saying "we never could have predicted this much damage" yeah, right. it's a HURRICANE. 24O mph windspeed...that might be a bit too uch for most buildings/trees/powerlines/houses to take.

2005-09-01 [Lioness123]: I can't believe all the looting and "lawlessness" going on down there. I feel so bad for those people who lost their homes and businesses, etc. Not to mention all the people who've died... what a tragedy.

2005-09-02 [chasingpeace]: i could have been prevented if they were samrt enough to evacuate and build hurricane-resistant hames and buildings. the hurricanes come every year, it's not like they didn't know a class 4 hurricane was going to hit them.

2005-09-02 [Lioness123]: just how do you go about building a hurricane resistant home??

2005-09-02 [Catlover]: Deep foundations, triangular structures (the strongest sort of structures - look at the pyramids!) and so on. I know nothing about hurricanes, and even I can tell you that much. Technology for that sort of thing has improved a lot - no home can be completely resistant to hurricanes, but they can come pretty close. Apparently 85% of the people left when told to evacuate. The remaining 15% - how stupid would you have to be? There was a voluntary evacuation order for the mandatory one, so they had plenty of time to get together all the really precious belongs. If nothing serious happens and you're out of the way, what have you lost?

2005-09-02 [chasingpeace]: My dad told me this morning that the reson it is so bad it because the levy wasn't built up, which was the governments responsibility, but -GET THIS- the people/city of new orleans and other communities would NOT LET THEM build up the levy beacause the COST was too high. Technically it's their own fault. The damage wouldn't be nearly as bad if they would have let the levy's be built up, but now the government has tot do it and the town won't have to pay for anything. the things running through their minds might be "wow, a ton of people died, but at least we don't have to pay anything except our well-being" i bet someone down there is thinking that.

2005-09-03 [Alkor]: First of all, when people looting through stores and what not, why the fuck they take a 52 inch Tv's or elctrical supplies when theres a fucken hurrican/tornadoe or whatever about to hit there town and knock out the power for at-lest 3 months?

2005-09-03 [Dil*]: That would require one to figure out why people do stupid things.

2005-09-03 [Lioness123]: I heard that the reason why alot of people didn't leave was because they couldn't afford to! Think about it, 30% of the population of New Orleans is living in poverty. But now, they have absolutely nothing. here's a cool site if any of you guys are interested in donating to help them down there-->,1077,0_314_4497,00.html

2005-09-03 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Snikle, please, no swearwords.Please change your last message or I shall have to delete it.

2005-09-03 [Ylaraniala Majere]: I've heard that too, but frankly I still think it's their fault. I mean really. If I was in New Orleans at the time and was too poor I'd WALK! They gave enough notice!! Also, what it means to be in poverty in the US is pretty much junk. Technically my family was "in poverty" for quite a few months recently and we still had plenty of amenities. Including a car, plenty of money to get on a bus, etc. Mandatory evacuation means MANDATORY, I feel really sorry for those people's deaths, but more for their humanity than for their actual lives. In fact, I think it may be worth the Darwin Award... and the price of gas is curently negatively affecting the economy. Must change it and the best way is to

2005-09-03 [Ylaraniala Majere]: go nuclear.

2005-09-03 [Catlover]: No. A Darwin Award would have to go to anyone (and I'm sure there'll be at least one person) who died because of stopping to take photos. Nuclear is probably the best avaliable option. Also, how much geothermal energy does the USA have? Is it making the most of what it's got? I know there'll never be enough to power the whole of the USA - maybe one state - but that can help too.

2005-09-03 [Alkor]: What's wrong with a swear word?

2005-09-03 [Catlover]: I don't know, but they're banned by rule 3.

2005-09-03 [Lioness123]: my boyfriend is less than a year away from getting his bachelors degree in electrical engineering, and he may have to work on this problem. He told me that in his renewable resources class they were taught that at the rate the world is consuming oil, in about 40 more years there will be no more oil. Zip. Nada.

2005-09-04 [Catlover]: And 300 years, no more coal. Natural gas has about 70 years. Uranium (for nuclear energy) is the only viable option because there's still plenty of uranium around. Wind power is great, but could never provide enough energy.

2005-09-04 [chasingpeace]: that's why we're invading Iran...for more uranium. which is stupid. we could just ask for some first.

2005-09-04 [Ri'hala]: Lmfao What would we use uranium for? Nuclear weapons? No way. We are smart enough to know nuclear war would kill us all. Nuclear energy is just as bad, btw

2005-09-04 [Doormat]: Maybe if America would to cut back on their oil consumption...But of course not...Everyone has to drive their big SUV's and not take transit. Heck the 10 lane highways prove that.

2005-09-04 [Alkor]: Why are you pople saying that in the future, we would have no gas, oil, Uranium, coal and all this other shit? Of course we would still have it. You people are dumb. Plus, in the futrue will be space ships flying. Of course they need gas. What about warmth? they need coal/gas or mybe oil. Shesh, get your heads outta the gutter.

2005-09-05 [chasingpeace]: snikle, you are an idiot. we get oil from natural reserves. big caves in the ground. what happens when those caves empty out?? no oil. you obviously know nothing about where natural resources like oil, coal, and uranium come from, otherwise you wouldn't make such a stupid comment. They come from the ground...they don't just fall from the sky.

2005-09-05 [chasingpeace]: also having 'your head in the gutter' means that you have perverted thoughts.

2005-09-05 [Lioness123]: lol, nicely said zansola. snikle, i suggest you do a little research before saying things like that.

2005-09-05 [Dil*]: Bah, gas is a limited resource, while human population multiplies constantly (and infinitely until some disaster wipes us out).

2005-09-05 [Catlover]: Ri'hala - I don't like the idea of nuclear power either - what do you do with the waste? But if you can come up with a better energy source, please say. I'm sure a lot of governments around the world would like to hear it too.

2005-09-05 [Lioness123]: If we made nuclear powered cars, what happens when someone has an accident?!

2005-09-05 [Catlover]: In cars, you can use hydrogen power. Hydrogen powered cars have already been created - they just still cost a fortune. Within five years they should be on the market at more expensive, but affordable prices. And if fuel continues to get more expensive, people would put more money in develpoing alternative cars. People have also develpoed ways to run cars on all sorts of things...burning a type of cereal, for example. I can't remember what type it was. That's carbon neutral.

2005-09-05 [Moonburn]: Ethonol is what I guess you're talking about. It's already in the fuel in some US States and we will be introducing it shortly. Problem is engines built before 2000 can only use a maximum of 3% ethanol in the fuel. Later cars can use up to 10%. More than 10% is explosive and cannot be used for obvious reason

2005-09-05 [Catlover]: No, I don't mean ethanol. I would look up what I mean, but I don't have time right now. It needs 15% petrol to work, but that's all. I think it's used widely in Brazil. Just can't remember what it is! Sugar cane can also be used - though I don't know any statistics on that one.

2005-09-05 [Alkor]: I dont need ro research nothing and It says in the rules to be nice. Calling somone and "Idiot" isn't being nice at all.

2005-09-06 [chasingpeace]: no, it says no flaming, which is different.

2005-09-06 [Alkor]: Read #2. : 2. Be nice, true arguments will not be tolerated. See!

2005-09-06 [Dil*]: zansola, you may have a superior arguement or correct point. But it wasn't neccessary to call him an idiot.

2005-09-06 [Catlover]: True arguments will not be tolerated? What?

2005-09-06 [Dil*]: ...that guy just digs himself a grave doesn't he o.o

2005-09-06 [Ri'hala]: "True argument" as in a real argument. A fight between two people, Cat (thanks for agreeing with meh, btw. If only we had a better energy plan up our sleeve -.-)

2005-09-06 [Catlover]: Oh right! Sorry...I thought it meant a valid discussion, and was trying to work that one out! There is a better energy plan...something to do with splitting hydrogen atoms or something (sorry, I'm really tired at the moment and will write that more coherently tomorrow!) but that technology's about 50 years away from being fully developed.

2005-09-06 [Ri'hala]: Lmfao Cat XD

2005-09-06 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Dilandau and Snikle are right about Rule 2 Zansola... no calling Snikle an idiot, no matter what he says.

2005-09-06 [Ylaraniala Majere]: There are cars that run on the fusing of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms, where the only biproduct is water. Clean water even. And as far as basic nuclear power, it actually isn't as unsafe as it may seem. Those problems at nuclear plants were all caused by severe lack of attention and too few personel. One of them only had 8 workers. o_O

2005-09-06 [Dil*]: But nuclear waste produced by nuclear plants can NEVER decompose. Or it takes like 1000 years or something stupid.

2005-09-06 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Actually, that's only the high level nuclear waste. The low level stuff does in about ten or twenty years, if I remember rightly...

2005-09-07 [Alkor]: Why cannt we have a "True Argument" here?

2005-09-07 [Lioness123]: Have you guys seen the movie" back to the future" part 2? I wish we could develope something like the "Mr. Fusion" that can take any matter (since all matter is energy) and turn it into pure energy to run the cars. I don't think we'd have anything like that for a LOOONG time though.

2005-09-07 [Catlover]: I suppose because it could be hurtful. After all, this can be a place for debate, but not for screaming insults at each other. That would be pointless.

2005-09-07 [Ri'hala]: Yep. Debating is one thing, having a WWE smack down is another. *shrugs* If you want to fight, harrass the person through a message. Oh wait, that'll get you banned....Oh well, guess you're S.O.L. XD

2005-09-07 [chasingpeace]: i agree that i may have gone to far....for the rules anway. It's just that people who don't know what they're talking about torque me'd be cool if we could make something like the mr. fusion...even if for no other reason except that those movies rule.

2005-09-08 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Yeah but torquing is no excuse... though really understood here *kinda sheepish* And Mr. Fusion would be nice... and those movies ARE awesome XD ...errr... off topic though

2005-09-08 [Catlover]: Would you not even get away with calling someone an idiot in a message? If you only did it once?

2005-09-08 [Ylaraniala Majere]: You can't call anyone an idiot here. I can't control anything you do beyond this wiki, all I can say is "Beware of the Elftown Guards".

2005-09-08 [Catlover]: I know about the rules of this wiki - I meant under Elftown rules.

2005-09-08 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Wouldn't profess to know all of them, check the Wiki Index. It has stuff about the rules there.

2005-09-08 [Catlover]: I was just wondering. I don't intend to message people calling them idiots, honest!

2005-09-08 [Ylaraniala Majere]: *shrugs* Not my business if you do.

2005-09-08 [Ri'hala]: XD Lol.

2005-09-08 [Catlover]: Unless it's you I message, of course. But that's being fussy.

2005-09-12 [lohawefniwubf]: Like Pineapple in a rice farm

2005-09-12 [Alkor]: 8sigh* how can there be "pineapple" in/at a rice farm?

2005-09-12 [lohawefniwubf]: It was fussy, and didn't want to be like all the other pineapples.

2005-09-13 [chasingpeace]: great metaphore

2005-09-14 [lohawefniwubf]: Spank you ^_^; I made it myself.

2005-09-15 [Lioness123]: I feel bad that everyone is pinning this hurricane katrina thing on Bush. Its not his fault there was a hurricane, and its not his fault the FEMA jerk wasnt doing his job

2005-09-15 [lohawefniwubf]: I agree!

2005-09-15 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Err, the FEMA guy was doing his job from what I hear. It's the governor of Louisiana that wouldn't let anyone in. Refused all of them... FEMA, the National Guard, even the Red Cross and the Salvation Army... and also the Mayor was dumb, not calling for a mandatory evacuation sooner and using all available transport.

2005-09-16 [Ri'hala]: Well, apparently what happened was the Governor did send a request for immediate federal help, but it somehow "got lost" until after it was too late and people pointed fingers at Bush.

2005-09-16 [Lioness123]: I hate how everyone just assumes its always the president's fault for everything... thats my big gripe

2005-09-16 [Ri'hala]: Yep ><;

2005-09-18 [lohawefniwubf]: It's not like he has an easy job. People are so annoying; Imagine what he has to decide and think about... I wouldn't want that responsibility for all the money in the world!

2005-09-18 [Ri'hala]: Yeah, and plus, he cannot, I repeat can NOT use military force on his own country, by law. This is to protect the rights of the people, for the same reason that we are allowed to carry our own weapons. To ensure that the Federal government cannot take over, and each state remains seperate in the confederation. Well..he can use the military if he invokes the Insurrection Act, but he only has the power to invoke it if the people of America have become divided and riots are uncontrollable, pushing America to the brink (or into) another Civil War.

2005-09-19 [Lioness123]: wow, where did you learn about that?

2005-09-19 [Ri'hala]: My dad is extremely well versed in politics (and he taught his daughter well >>;) c.c; He showed me a bunch of sites and stuff, but I can't dig up the right link >_<

2005-09-19 [Ri'hala]: *Googles it* XD

2005-09-19 [Ri'hala]: I didn't find the link I wanted, but here's a thing on the Insurrection Act ( here's the complete section on Insurrection as well)

2005-09-20 [lohawefniwubf]: You're father would be proud. The only bad thing about people being allowed to have weapons, is that they use them for bad things some times... But 95% are responsable with them.

2005-09-20 [Lioness123]: did you guys hear on the news about the asian guy who was out hunting and KILLED 6 people..?!

2005-09-20 [Maurer's conclusions]: This isn't really relevent to Asian headhunters, but I see that people are blaming things on the mayor and the governor of Lousiana. It is not them who were too proud to accept foreign aid in the form of money from countries such as Venezuela (and even Cuba!), and who also turned down an offer from Germany to send a small fleet of volunteer boats. No. That was Bush, good old Bush.

2005-09-20 [Ylaraniala Majere]: o_O Where did you hear about that one? Not even the liberal media over here have said that, and they show anything, especially bona fide stuff, that slimes Bush.

2005-09-21 [Ri'hala]: Awww, thankie [lohawefniwubf] ^_^. Oh, and btw, Ert, that's because America is perfectly capable of handling itself. And I'm not -exactly- blaming the governor or the mayor, but I am seeing a lot of faults on their part

2005-09-21 [Dil*]: bush did turn down lots of help. Read international news. And it isn't entirely bush though....the Vancouver team was held off because there was still dangerous looting going on and they were afraid the looters could hurt the rescue crew.

2005-09-21 [Lioness123]: I hope this new hurricane Rita doesn't hit them again...Looks like its heading towards houstan TX if it doesn't dissipate.

2005-09-23 [Ri'hala]: Too...many...hurricanes....*twitches* curses!! >_<

2005-09-23 [Lioness123]: I'm so glad I don't live down there

2005-09-25 [Ri'hala]: Seriously, lol.

2005-09-26 [Maurer's conclusions]: Well, it doesn't appear that America did a good job taking care of itself, so maybe they shouldn't have been so proud...

2005-09-27 [chasingpeace]: It's My Pet Goat all over again....whenever a national disaster occurs, bush always takes his time and dawdle before he does anything. He kept reading a book to a kindergarten class (upside-down, btw) when 9/11 happened and now, with the hurricane, he didn't come out of vacation. I don't know about anyone else, but if the president was over in texas lying in a hammock, while i drowed in severly polluted water, i would blame him too. All the organizations down there are mostly run nationally, and he is the one that sends them out first thing, but he didn't do that this time. and, i'm sorry, but the FEMA guy was just plain dumb.

2005-09-27 [Ri'hala]: While I can't exactly defend why Bush delayed on 9/11, I think I've already pointed out why he couldn't do anything about the hurricane. In fact, I'm sure I have. He can't have done anything, he doesn't have the power to use the military in any way on this country without specific permission from the people. And yes, the governor of Louisiana did send a request, but she herself stated that, by the fault of her office (not the president's), the request was lost and never reached the White House

2005-09-27 [chasingpeace]: yeah, he couldn't do anything about the hurricane because he was on vacation. i don't think there is any excuse for a president being on vacation when everyone knows a huge natural disaster is about to happen. i know that if i was president, i would have been on my feet, waiting for that request, not lazing about.

2005-09-27 [Ri'hala]: Oh. My. God. Him being on vacation really has nothing to do with that situation. All it takes is a phone call, he doesn't have to leap up on a white horse and declare war on the hurricane. And, for your information, the devastation of Katrina wouldn't have been nearly so bad if the people of New Orleans had listened to the many evacuation warnings the governor had broadcasted. Many of the people-in fact, most of the people- had a perfect opportunity to leave, but refused to take it.

2005-09-27 [Lioness123]: THANK YOU, [Ri'hala]!!! I was just waiting for someone to say that!

2005-09-27 [Ri'hala]: O-o XD Your welcome.

2005-09-27 [Dil*]: Ha! That's a good one, most of the people who were able to leave were the rich. Guess who got left behind, the poor, the people who don't have their own vehicles. Bush probably went "aww well, they're lecherous upon society anyways, to hell with it." It's not the fact that he *was* on vacation, it's the fact that he didn't jump out of his vacation and take action.

2005-09-27 [Ri'hala]: Even if he had gotten off his vacation, do you honestly beleive he could have done something? If I have to explain that again I may scream.

2005-09-27 [Ri'hala]: Oh, and, had there been a request for help when there should have been one, not two days before Katrina hit -like the governor claims the "lost" request was- then even if it were lost there could have been phone calls and second requests; things could have been worked out. *thought she'd just throw that in there*

2005-09-27 [Dil*]: So if you were the president of the US, would you stay on your vacation while the largest natural disaster occurs in US history? Don't even defend that.

2005-09-27 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Alright guys, I feel the need to point out two things. One, it's the mayor's fault that the poor weren't evacuated; neither Bush nor the Governor could do anything about that. Many people advised the mayor to use schoolbuses, but he did not. Two , for crying out loud, what would you want Bush to have done? Specifics please.

2005-09-28 [Dil*]: 1.) Actually accept help. 2.) Hold conferences to channel world help (there was a great outpouring of it). And for one....I found it highly ironic that the Vancouver rescue team got there (and rescued about 100 people) before any of the American military help or whatnot. Still trying to figure that out.

2005-09-28 [Dil*]: Actually accept help...not dismiss it, as in the case of Hugo Chavez. He sent money, and offered cheaper oil, but was refused.

2005-09-28 [chasingpeace]: there is no excuse for being on vacation while a large part of the country your supposed to defend is about to be hit by a major national disaster. the poor people could have walked out or something. If i was extremely poor like some of those people and didn't want to die, i would walk. I would have wanted bush to show some concern. being on vacation during a time that many people are in need is not the way a leader is supposed to act. If he couldn't do anything about the hurrican or the suffering, he could of at least showed some concern by at least faking that he cared and not going on vacation. Bush is a bad example for the american people. people in european countries think we are lazy.

2005-09-28 [chasingpeace]: and bush just proved it to them...he couldn't take a little bit off of hs enormous vacation record and show a little concern.

2005-09-28 [Alkor]: Haven't you noticed that bush isn't helping the Hurricane victims? All he doing is sending people down there (police force, millitary and such) to get them out. BTW, I saw this clip of the pentagon during the 9/11 thing. What actually hit the pentagon? I kinda know what hit it but im asking you for what YOU think what hit it.

2005-09-28 [Dil*]: And, for the love of, he's the president..he should know what to do in a situation like this. I mean, doesn't he get taught national crisis stuff?

2005-09-28 [chasingpeace]: he has those advisors to tell him what to do...supposedly a president is supposed to know enough about politics to not have to be taught national crisis stuff.

2005-09-29 [Alkor]: No shit. THe president doesn't need no help like those mentally handicaped people. Isn't he suppose to figure out what to do with situations like these?

2005-09-29 [Ri'hala]: Then what would be the point of even having a cabinet, pray tell?

2005-09-30 [Dil*]: Right, so he's useless without his cabinet? I'd have to agree with that one then.

2005-09-30 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Snikle, don't swear. Replace that word or the post will be deleted.

2005-09-30 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Bush doesn't HAVE to go and specifically help people, that isn't his job. His job is to make sure that the people are helped, which they are. Signing forms on vacation is the same as signing them from the White House. I don't know what happened about the international offers of help, so I won't comment other than it could either be not smart of Bush or the offers were shams. And he HAS figured out what to do, let the Red Cross, National Guard, and Salvation Army do what they do. I've seen so many people helped it's nuts. Both from Katrina and from Rita. The public schools around here were packed with people and the volunteers were helping them very adequately.

2005-09-30 [Ri'hala]: Thank you for pointing that out, Ylara! And he's not usless without his cabinet, but if you ever bothered to pay attention in Civics you would know that he has a cabinet not only to advise him, but maintain a balance in power so he -and any other president- doesn't go overboard. Same concept as the separation of powers.

2005-09-30 [Dil*]: Bah, Ri'hala completely missed my point. I'll just state it again, useless without his cabinet, not saying the cabinet is useless, saying he is. But I'll just re-paste my last quote because people have obviously ignored them. "1.) Actually accept help. 2.) Hold conferences to channel world help (there was a great outpouring of it). And for one....I found it highly ironic that the Vancouver rescue team got there (and rescued about 100 people) before any of the American military help or whatnot. Still trying to figure that out."

2005-10-01 [Ri'hala]: Weeeeeell, for one thing, it's not the federal government's (including military) job. Local and State governments are supposed to handle this kind of stuff. Ergo, Vancouver rescue team would naturally be the first to help. Duh

2005-10-01 [Ri'hala]: Btw, I found this blog rather interesting (yes, it's a right-wing blog, get ovah it! >_>)

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